Watch: Mayor Pete’s Comments To Pro-Life Dem Are All You Need To Know About Buttigieg

Mayor Pete Buttigieg claims we wants more conservatives to join the Democrat party but when he was at a town hall his comments to a woman reflected the opposite.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg who is running for the Democrat presidential nomination over the weekend flat-out told a woman there is no room for her in the party because she is pro-life. With the Iowa caucus just a few days away Buttigieg really fumbled.

Katie Pavlich editor for Townhall, writer for The Hill and a Fox News contributor was in attendance at the Buttigieg town and witness the encounter.

The women’s name was Kristen Day and she’s 50 years old, she asked Buttigieg if there was still room for someone like her in the Democrat party, her is a rough transcript of the encounter.

Day: ”I’m a proud pro-life Democrat. So, do you want the support of pro-life Democrats? And if so, would you support more moderate platform language in the Democratic Party to ensure the party of diversity and inclusion really does include everybody?”

Buttigieg: ”I’m not going to try to earn your vote by tricking you. I am pro-choice, and I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision, but I know that the difference of opinion that you and I have is one that we have come by honestly. And the best that I can offer — and it may win your vote, and if not, I understand. The best that I can offer is that, if we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line. And in my view, it’s the woman who is faced with that decision in her own life.”

Fox News Chris Wallace was moderating the downhill and asked Day if she was satisfied with Buttigieg’s answer.

Day: “I was not because he didn’t answer the second part of my question. The Democratic platform contains language that basically says that we don’t belong, we have no part in the party because it says abortion should be legal up to nine months; the government should pay for it. And there’s nothing that says that people that have a diversity of views on this issue should be included in the party.”

Buttigieg: “I support the position of my party that this kind of medical care needs to be available to everyone,” Buttigieg said. “And I support the Roe v. Wade framework that holds that early in pregnancy, there are very few restrictions and later in pregnancy, there are very few exceptions. And again, the best I can offer is that we may disagree on that very important issue, and hopefully we’ll be able to partner on other issues.”
Wallace then asked Buttigieg if pro-life Democrats should look for a different party.
Buttigieg replied, “I’ve never encountered a politician or frankly another person that I agreed with 100% of the time, even on very important things,” Buttigieg said. “I cannot imagine that a decision that a woman confronts is going to ever be better medically or morally because it’s being dictated by any government official. And that’s just where I am on the issue.”

So there you go, Democrats, the “big tent” party don’t want anyone outside the tenants of liberalism. If that statement was supposed to win over “Republicans” angry at President Trump he just blew it.

Washington Examiner